Q&A Sunday: Purple Flowers for Abundance

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Do you have any tips to bring in more abundance?

I get a lot of questions about abundance and prosperity, so I have several posts on this topic - you can read a few of them here, here, and here. I’ll also share another tip for abundance that I love: purple flowers! 

On the feng shui bagua, there is an area connected to wealth and abundance, also called Xun. In addition to material wealth, it’s also connected to the feeling of abundance in other areas of your life. It’s also related to the color purple.

If you want to bring in more wealth and abundance, try bringing some purple flowers into your home. If you want, you can even place them in Xun position of your home or bedroom. You can get fresh cut purple flowers in a vase, or a houseplant with purple flowers, like African violet. I have an African violet plant that was only about two leaves a few months ago, and now it’s grown into such a beautiful, luscious plant! Watching a plant grow like this teaches you that the world and nature are generous and abundant. It also teaches you that you have the ability to cultivate whatever it is that you need; all the wisdom is within you.

If you’re wanting to welcome more abundance into your life, I encourage you to bring some purple flowers into your home!

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

Curating Spaces for Joy

Photo by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash

Photo by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash

Today I wanted to talk about curating spaces for joy. I’ve been thinking about this because we recently renovated our home, and there are some special areas I created in our home that really bring me joy. 

Joy is related to the Completion area of the feng shui bagua, also called Dui in Chinese. This area is also connected to children and the metal element. If you’re not familiar with the bagua, it’s a sort of map that can be laid over a home, room, or lot, with different areas corresponding to different areas of life.

In the Dui area of our recently renovated home, I have a beautiful shelf that I’m really excited about. I’m using the shelf to display my tea ceremony items, including the different seasonal items I’m using at the moment. For me, tea ceremony feels really joyful, so I’m looking forward to curating my shelf as the seasons change. 

I encourage you to consider creating special areas of your home with things that bring you joy! What are the objects or practices that are joyful for you? How can you invite those things into your home? 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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Q&A Sunday: The Water Element as a Precious Resource

Photo by Anastasia Taioglou on Unsplash

Photo by Anastasia Taioglou on Unsplash

Can you talk about how water is connected to wealth and abundance?

Water is one of the five elements, or five phases, that we use as a tool in feng shui. In addition to water, the five phases include earth, fire, wood, and metal. Water is the element related to wisdom and career, as well as wealth. Your wealth and prosperity is a resource like water, and it flows like water.

I talked recently on the podcast about how fixing a leak in your home is a way of recognizing that water is a precious resource. Even one drop of water is so precious and meaningful, and we can receive a lot of teachings from that. When we take the time to care for our home, and take care of things like leaks, we also begin to consider ourselves precious and valuable. Something as simple as acknowledging a leak in your home, rather than ignoring it, and taking the time and effort to fix it, is really a way of recognizing how precious water is. This also connects to valuing the wisdom of others and our own innate wisdom, since water is connected to wisdom. 

Feng shui translates to wind and water. Feng is wind, and shui is water. These are the most important elements that we need as humans to thrive. We need our breath, which is wind, and we are made up of mostly water. We need these two things in order to thrive. 

I encourage you to look at how you work with the water element in your life. It could be something as simple as fixing a leak. It could also be thanking the water that you consume. We need water so much, to cleanse and hydrate our bodies. The small gesture of thanking water and acknowledging its preciousness will trickle back to how you value your own preciousness. 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com