Love Note from Anjie: Ease Into the Unknown

Photo by Fabio Fistarol on Unsplash

FEBRUARY 25, 2023 // love note from anjie

ease into the unknown

It's supposed to snow today. Even if it doesn't, it's very cold. 

We live with many uncertainties, big and small. Just in the last two weeks I've observed three friends and their partners hospitalized. All unexpected circumstances. We can become easily de-railed by careless words, well-intentioned actions, or even the weather. Basically if something doesn't go as planned, it's so easy to grasp tighter on our preconceived definition of what we decided is what we want. Meditation practice constantly reminds me to create space for chaos. To be patience with my impatience. And the ease and relaxation that naturally arises from accepting the present moment exactly as it is. 

It's cold today, but how will I be present with it? 

Sky Lake Lodge:

Mindful Spaces Retreat

Join me for a Mindful Spaces Weekend retreat: exploring feng shui as a mindfulness practice. 

It will be very intimate, there are only eight guestrooms on premises. 

Schedule includes: moments of silence, qigong, mindful walks, and feng shui talks 

April 13-17, 2023

Sky Lake Lodge, New York


About the Mindful Spaces Retreat in April

Since this is my first retreat, I wanted to share my aspirations for the weekend. 

I recorded a reel on instagram where you can learn more. 

pink cosmos flower against light blue sky

Photo by J Lee on Unsplash


Feng shui as self-love and self-care

I loved this podcast episode we recorded with three of our recent Mindful Design graduates. Feng shui is more than just moving your furniture around, it's an act of self-love and self-care


Verse 15 
Tao te Ching

Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?

Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?

Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash

Coming soon:

Mindful Homes

My new book Mindful Homes: create healing living spaces with mindfulness and feng shui is available for pre-order. It will be available wherever books are sold on April 11, 2023.

from a cold day in nyc,


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