Clutter and Feng Shui

Photo by Julia Joppien on Unsplash

Photo by Julia Joppien on Unsplash

Feng shui is really about connecting to the cycles of nature. When we pay attention to what is happening in the world around us, we can harness that energy to make shifts in our homes and our lives. With Virgo season coming up, it’s a perfect time to focus on organization, decluttering, and shifting any stagnant energy in your home. 

When feng shui was developed in ancient China, there really wasn’t any clutter. People didn’t have all the stuff we have now. It’s a modern issue, and also a big issue for a lot of people. However, not all clutter is bad. As a feng shui consultant and an architect, I’ve worked very closely with many people in their homes, and I’ve heard so many apologies about clutter. Often, it’s really not that bad; people can be really hard on themselves.

There are some indications that you should look at clutter. For instance, are there areas of your home that you haven’t touched in a long time? Maybe there’s a place that’s full of stuff you haven’t even looked at in years? I recently did a consultation for a client who was aware that she had an area in her office that was full of stuff from her partner's old job. This clutter was in the relationship area of her office, which is related to business partners and clients. This area is also related to self care and self love, which turned out to be something that my client needed to work on. 

When you accumulate a lot of clutter, it also can become difficult to work with because it starts to collect yin qi, which is related to death - picture a light fixture full of dust and dead flies. Yin qi isn’t bad, but you want to have a balance of yin and yang, not too much of either. 

In my own home, there was a top shelf in my kitchen that I hadn’t touched in quite some time. There were extra plates there, and recently some of them fell and broke. It was a message that I needed to pay attention to certain areas of my life that I’ve neglected. Your home talks to you, and lets you know what needs to be worked on. If you’re not attuned to it, and you’re moving through your life really quickly, it’s easy to miss those messages from the phenomenal world.

If I ask you if there’s an area of your home that has clutter that you need to work on, there’s probably something that pops into your head. Don’t overthink it - your first thought is your best thought. Go to that area and start to stir up the qi by giving it some attention. If you need some extra help, sign up for our Virgo Season Space Activation and use the celestial energies of the cosmos to help you get a kick start. 

by Anjie Cho

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If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: