Q&A Sunday: Colors for a Small Foyer

What color can I use for my small foyer I have? My entrance has 2 doors, the main one, then a very small foyer and second door to enter the house.

Ela, New York

Dear Ela, 

Thank you for your question! Color is definitely is a great way to shift the energy in a space. Humans are very visual, and a coat of paint or a few colored accents (artwork, pillows, etc) can quickly transform things.

Your question in specifically about a small foyer with two doors, one going outside and one going further into the home. Without any more information to go on, I'd first ask what it is you want to work on, or what areas of your life need some attention. Your entry represents your face to the world, how the universe sees and finds you. Your entry door is called the "mouth of qi" and that's where the energy comes in. 

In general, an entry is best when clean and well lit, especially if it's small. The two doors don't seem like an issue. Color wise, again it depends on what it is you'd like to work on. Some options are below:

But I'd also ask you what color you love and what you're most attracted to. That's also a huge factor, because this is the first thing you see when you get home, and the last thing you see before you enter the world. And it can affect your mood! And if it's a color you love, it can bring you joy every day.

by Anjie Cho

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our a unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish. Visit us at mindfuldesignschool.com.

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