108 Ways to Create Holistic Spaces GIVEAWAY

featured on two classy chics, by Chris

In our busy lives, it is nice to have some peace and clam when we are at home. Many of us have heard that reducing the clutter and streamlining our offices and homes can open up the mind to more opportunities and free thinking. By allowing the clutter to erase from our space, we also remove the clutter from our minds.

Feng shui is the Chinese practice of harmonizing your space with your environment. I wrote a piece last year that helps explain the process more. Called 3 Tips to Feng Shui Your Office For Prosperity, you can check it out for more info and tips on how to Feng Shui your office!

I was sent a book to review and check out for help with my spaces. I am excited to share it with you.

108 Ways to Create Holistic Spaces

Feng Shui and Green Design for Healing and Organic Homes

New York, NY – FENG SHUI can change your life — but learning how to use feng shui can be overwhelming to some. In her new book, “108 WAYS TO CREATE HOLISTIC SPACES: FENG SHUI AND GREEN DESIGN FOR HEALING AND ORGANIC HOMES” (168 pages, $22.95, ISBN-13-978-1502995643) www.holisticspaces.com) architect, interior designer, and feng shui practitioner Anjie Cho clears the clutter and shows how to apply feng shui and green design principles to support and enhance one’s life. From the bedroom to the home office, with furniture placement and the use of color, Anjie describes simple, straightforward tips that will transform a home and workplace and improve the flow of energy throughout life.

We are excited to be able to offer a few items for giveaway here on the blog, courtesy of Anjie Cho.

Enter to Win

One lucky winner is going to receive a copy of the book and a 2015 keychain, like the one here. Cool! Here is how to enter!

Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or over. You must complete the Mandatory Entry to be eligible. Follow the directions in the Giveaway Tool below. This giveaway will close on March 1st 2015 at 11:59pm EST Time.

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