love note from Anjie - nov 12, 2022


I was on retreat in France for two weeks just a couple months ago and collected some Juniper from Dechen Choling. It's been quietly drying in the sun near my office window, next to my desk shrine.

Juniper is an evergreen conifer, wood element, and a reminder that even in the coldest and darkest times – there is life. We have the opportunity to create transformation, inspiration, and warmth as the wood feeds fire. The green is everlasting, a constant, and points to the presence of spring, new beginnings and growth.

When we offer a smoke blessing, the botanical is burned and transmuted. The fire and wood creates smoke that rises, lifting our offerings to the heavens. The ashes are earth element, re-connecting our wishes back down to our presence in the earth realm.


from instagram

smoke offering with juniper

wood | fire | earth

what do you want to let go and offer gratitude for?

what wishes and blessings can you offer today?

Next week, I'll offer instruction on how to perform a smoke blessing ceremony for your home!

Save the Date

I'll be teaching in Los Angeles on Sun Dec 11th at RA MA Institute. I hope that I can see some of you there IRL!

Special Offer Coming from Mindful Design

there's a special offer coming soon from Mindful Design. I'll share a bit about it here, but if you join the Mindful Design mailing list you will be better notified of all the things we offer there, including special events!

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Thanks for reading!

xoxo, Anjie

p.s. would you like to receive these love notes directly to your inbox right when they’re written? Join our newsletter and you’ll also get special perks only for subscribers!

love note from Anjie - nov 4, 2022

hello dear friends

It's an unseasonably warm day in new york city. But I'm okay with that! the warm autumn colors are still brilliant. Greens, golds, oranges, fiery reds. It really is breathtaking. I'm typically drawn to water, but the beauty of the autumn leaves in the temperate zones are something special.

We were also fortunate to make some space to travel upstate to the Catskills a few days ago and visited the Mountain Top Arboretum. My favorite part was the14,900-year-old “Emerald Bog”.

chihuahua walking on wooden path through the woods
In Latin the word for green is viridis, which is related to a large group of words that suggest growth and even life itself: vivere
— The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Clair

I've been thinking about green, especially the deep tones. In feng shui, green is wood element. But when it's darker, more robust it can offer the strength and life energy of an ancient evergreen tree. Forests can teach us so much about life, growth, and death. They are constantly regenerating. Always look to nature, she is the greatest teacher.

I also wanted to remind you:

Mindful Design Feng Shui School invites you to join our Inner Circle Membership.

Enrollment closes November 8th at midnight Eastern Time. If you miss the deadline, be sure to get on our waitlist to find out when it opens again!

ps: if you join the Mindful Design mailing list you will be better notified of all the things we offer there, including special events like free classes.

click here to join the mailing list

Thanks for reading!

xoxo, Anjie

p.s. would you like to receive these love notes directly to your inbox right when they’re written? Join our newsletter and you’ll also get special perks only for subscribers!

Feng Shui for Your New Apartment

Miidtown West Full Living.jpg

Photo and design by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC

I'm excited to share with you the first in a series of three posts offering helpful feng shui adjustments for moving into a new apartment. The move from one space to another can be stressful and costly, but these feng shui tips are easy to implement and will go far in helping you make your new home into a sacred, nourishing space

Clear the Space

First things first, it's important to always clear any new space before introducing your things and trying to set up a home. All spaces can hold predecessor energy which could be negative, but definitely isn't yours, so it's helpful to clear your new space and set an intention for this to be YOUR new sacred space. Try any of the space clearing techniques we've discussed here for refreshing the energy in your new home!

Commanding Position

Moving into a new space is a great opportunity to ensure that you lay out your furniture in the most advantageous way. In feng shui, we have the concept of the commanding position, which helps to identify advantageous placement of furniture in your space, including your bed, sofa, desk and stove, in the furthest diagonal spot from the door, facing the door. This helps you see what's coming towards you in life and be properly prepared!

Check the Bagua

Laying a bagua can be a complicated process, even for the most advanced feng shui experts, but it's an important way to address any energetic needs in your space. If your new home is rectangular or square, simply stand at your front door and lay the bagua, taking note of what areas in your life may need extra attention. If this is not the case (and many times it isn't), you may want to reach out to a feng shui practitioner for assistance in making sure the important areas in your life are accounted for in your space. 

As time goes on, you may find that different areas in your space need work, but these three adjustments are a great way to start off your time in this new space on the right foot. Check back soon for the next installment and three more feng shui tips on moving into a new apartment! 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: