Why Your Holistic Space Needs Art

Photo and design by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC

Art may not be the first thing you think of when designing your holistic space, but it actually plays a very important role on many levels. Art, by nature, is very subjective, but its effects in design are much more objective and global. Adding the perfect pieces to your home can bring your area together in various ways. 

Balance The Five Elements

We've mentioned art many times as one of the easiest ways to balance out the five elements in any space. As each element relates to a certain area of the feng shui bagua, symbolized by certain shapes, colors and subjects, selecting a piece of art can bring in one or more of the five elements. For Earth you can add earthy colors like brown, orange and yellow and square shapes. For Metal, look for metallic colors, whites, grays and circular shapes. For Water, choose the colors dark blue and black and wavy shapes. For Wood, opt for green, blue and columnar shapes, and finally, for Fire, look for the color red and triangular shapes.


Some types of sacred art can be viewed and contemplated in meditation. For instance, the yantra mandalas are created through meditation in action but also can be a visual focal point of a meditation practice. Sacred art is often created with mantra and symbolism. I once attended and event at the Rubin Museum of Art called a "Dream Over". The museum hosts this event in which attendees are assigned a piece of art that you contemplate overnight. Participants meditate, are read bedtime stories and are invited to sleep and dream under their selected piece of art. Art can be a wonderful way to guide meditation and open your mind to inspiration and creativity. What moves you? Look for that in your art pieces.

Add Nature

While the best way to add nature to a space for feng shui adjustments is with living plants, there are times when that option isn't feasible. Maybe your thumb is charcoal black or you have boisterous pets (or children). In this case, choosing artwork that depicts nature can be a great alternative. Be sure to pay attention to the colors in your art and match them to your feng shui needs for the specific room.

Add Color Without Paint

On a similar note, there are often occasions when painting a space is not an option, such as when renting an apartment. In this case, artwork can serve as a way to add color and brighten a room without breaking terms of a lease. Images can add a healthy dose of color on their own, or you can grab a blank canvas and paint it one solid color for a big pop. 

Nurture Inspiration

Part of what makes a space holistic is that it provides nourishment and inspiration to its residents. We've even done a few posts and a podcast on how to make your space inspirational. One easy way to do this is with art. One of the best things about art is that it can be interpreted in so many ways and boosts creative thinking. Find a piece that inspires you to work toward your goals, make more art, spend more time on creative outlets, etc. 

Strengthen a Room's Purpose

I mentioned earlier that it's important to keep each room's needs in mind when selecting art. This can also be used to your advantage! In design, we often aim for a certain feeling or aura in specific rooms. For instance, the bathroom is often meant to be a place for relaxation and the bedroom for passion. Adding curated artwork can help establish these purposes. Before you look at art, take stock of what you want each room in your space to inspire and find a piece that matches that feeling!

Whether you make your own art, find art that speaks to you or commission a personal piece, bringing artwork into your space can go a long way in making a house into a holistic home. If you're on the lookout for artwork now, consider a Holistic Spaces mandala or reach out to some of our favorite artists below:

Amy T. Won
Mavis Gewant
Carmen Mensink
Karl Lorenzen

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

19 Ways to Feng Shui Your Bedroom for the Best Sleep Ever

Spacious neutral bedroom with bed and armchair

Photo and design by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC

Anjie Cho was featured on Elle Decor

You’ve longed for it all day, that moment when your head hits the pillow and you drift off wistfully away to dreamland. Except that you don’t. Your mind is going 100 miles an hour and somehow you find yourself in the kitchen at two in the morning shamelessly spooning leftover chocolate-on-chocolate ice cream and questioning all of your life choices. But before you join the Peace Corps or go on an Eat, Pray, Love journey abroad, a more subtle cure for your insomnia might be all you need to be back in the well-rested races. We’re talking about a bedroom vibe boost, the feng shui way.

For centuries, the Chinese believed that there were invisible forces at work all around us, forces that, when optimized within an occupied space, can supercharge our well-being. Some refer to it as Chinese geomancy; others pass it off as early Taoist ideology. But most know it as feng shui. It’s a millennia-old belief system that—in our screen-driven, fast-paced, pandemic-and-politics-burnout moment—is more than ripe for re-exploration.

For practical tips on how to feng shui your bedroom, we checked in with experts Anjie Cho, the author of Holistic Spaces, and ​​New York City–based practitioner Julia Sarasola. Read on to get inspiration for good mojo all around and some blessed shut-eye—in style. But by all means, still take that trip to Bali.

Aim for a Serene Environment

Regardless of your decorating style, your goal should be to craft a serene bedroom. “The important thing about feng shui is how a space makes you feel,” Cho says. “A bedroom that has good feng shui feels comfortable, nurturing, supportive, and like home. Your environment has so much of an effect on your prosperity, your livelihood, well-being, and health.”

.…read full article

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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Are Snake Plants Bad Feng Shui?

Green snake plant with pointy leaves in terra cotta pot on wooden table

Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash

Are snake plants bad feng shui?

Snake plants are very popular houseplants that are quite beautiful and easy to care for. They have robust, pointed leaves that stand upright. In my view, they embody the metal element because they’re strong and rigid, like a metal sword. 

I’m often asked whether snake plants are bad feng shui, and the short answer is that it depends. Generally, it’s recommended in feng shui to avoid plants that are particularly sharp or pointy. However, something that’s not typically considered a good feng shui plant can be used if you really consider your life and your needs, and if you can find an appropriate time and place for it. This is where you can bring some skillfulness into your feng shui, rather than following general rules about what is good or bad. 

Snake plants may be supportive in certain situations and in certain areas of your home, and not so much in others. To find out whether a snake plant in your home is supporting you, the first thing you’ll want to do is draw up your floor plan. Then, you can overlay the bagua, which is a mandala we use in feng shui that has different areas representing different areas of your life. Once you’ve laid the bagua on your home, notice where your snake plant is located, and consider what that could mean. 

For example, a snake plant may not be the best plant to put in the relationships area, called Kun in Chinese. This could mean that you’re being defensive and protecting your heart more than you need to, or that you’re being sharp-tongued in your relationship. 

However, snake plants can be very beneficial in certain areas of the bagua if you need more fierceness and strength in that part of your life. I have a snake plant in my fame area, called Li, and it’s been very helpful for me. Since I have a public face, I also need to protect myself a little bit. I actually placed this snake plant in my fame area when I needed to cultivate more strength and the ability to have a sharp tongue when necessary. 

It also depends on your energy and situation. If you’re already pretty assertive and sharp-tongued, you may not need a snake plant. If you need more strength and protection, though, it can be beneficial. Also, your needs can change over time. After you’ve had a snake plant for a while, you may decide that you’ve received the lessons you needed, and it may no longer be serving you in the same way. 

Another great place for a snake plant is on your desk, which represents your career. I find that a lot of people need some protection there, especially if they work with some difficult people, or if they need to stand up for themselves more at work. 

Snake plants are also great additions to your home’s entry when you want to feel more protected. However, if you really want to open yourself up to invite in new opportunities, I wouldn’t recommend this placement. In that case, you may want to choose a plant that’s more typically recommended in feng shui, like a monstera or pothos. 

I encourage you to have some curiosity about what you need, instead of making blanket statements about what is good or bad. There is a lot of polarity and duality in the world, but feng shui teaches us through the principles of yin and yang that things are “yes and,” rather than “either or.” 

Do you have a snake plant in your home? Where is it located in the feng shui bagua? Do you feel like it has protected you in some way? 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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