Love Note from Anjie // Time to Slow Down

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmannon Unsplash

MARCH 4, 2023 // love note from anjie

time to slow down

I received a big message from the universe this week. I was rushing, running to catch a bus. I tripped on a part of the sidewalk and fell on my face. There was a lot of blood, and a lot of stitches. If you know me personally, I'm a super busy person, often taking on too much. I'm so grateful that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. However, this was a firm warning that I need to slow down.

How can we do one thing at a time with joy, mindfulness, and presence. Why are we in such a hurry? 

Sky Lake Lodge:

Mindful Spaces Retreat

Join me for a Mindful Spaces Weekend retreat: exploring feng shui as a mindfulness practice. 

It will be very intimate, there are only eight guestrooms on premises. 

Schedule includes: moments of silence, qigong, mindful walks, and feng shui talks 

April 13-17, 2023

Sky Lake Lodge, New York


Let It Out Podcast

Be sure to check out my podcast with my friend Katie Dalebout where I give her a live feng shui consultation. It will also be shared on the Holistic Spaces Podcast on Mar 13.

cherry blossoms on brance

Photo by dadalan real on Unsplash


Feng Shui Summit

The International Feng Shui Guild has gathered dozens of the top speakers for an Incredible one-of-a-kind two-day online event. It's free to attend! Mar 17-18, 10am - 4pm (EDT)

My talk is: Fri Mar 17 at 10am Feng Shui as a Mindfulness Practice by Anjie Cho


Learn about feng shui training

Laura and I are doing a live info session about our feng shui certification program April 8th at 12pm EST. I hope you can join! Click the link below to join Mindful Design’s email list and we’ll send you the Zoom link when the date gets closer!

Round white table and chairs next to black shelf with books and plants

Photo by Jean-Philippe Delberghe on Unsplash

Coming soon:

Mindful Homes

My new book Mindful Homes: create healing living spaces with mindfulness and feng shui is available for pre-order. It will be available wherever books are sold on April 11, 2023.

in stitches,


p.s. would you like to receive these love notes directly to your inbox right when they’re written? Join our newsletter and you’ll also get special perks only for subscribers!

Make Room for Metal and Clarity with the Autumnal Equinox

yellow autumn leaves on tree branch

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

I can't believe it's already time to say goodbye to summer! In a few days, we will experience this year's Autumnal Equinox and feel the shift from long, warm summer days to shorter, crisper fall days before we head into winter. Many of our friends have shared incredible ways to adjust to the new season and welcome the equinox. Be sure to check those posts out! We've also pulled together a few tips for this year to make autumn your best season yet!

What is the Autumnal Equinox?

Let's cover the important bases, first. Just what is the equinox, and why is it so important? The September equinox, also referred to as the Autumnal Equinox, marks the point in the year when the sun crosses the celestial equator, a sort of extension of the earth's equator that "sits" above the planet, from north to south. So essentially, the sun is crossing the earth's equator.

The term "equinox" comes from Latin roots "aequus" and "nox", meaning "equal night," which corresponds to the belief that, on an equinox, night and day are equal length. As it turns out, daylight still typically lasts longer than night. The center of the sun sets 12 hours after rising on this day, but each half of the sun still has to travel through the sky, so day and night times will vary. In fact, the equinox is not an all-day event, but the specific moment when the center of the sun reaches this point. This year, in Eastern time, that will happen at 4:02 pm on September 22. 

For everyday purposes, the equinox most notably represents the change from summer to autumn. As some of our holistic experts have noted, this is the time to move from yang energy, high activity and cool foods to more inward, yin energy, self-care and a warming, nourishing diet. And, based on the feng shui bagua map and five elements, autumn is a season of Metal.

Autumn and the Metal Element

In feng shui and the five elements theory, the autumn season corresponds to the Metal element and the Completion area of the bagua, which relates to the color white, the number seven and the element of joy. Metal is also associated with clarity.

If you're looking to update your space for the new season, you might think you should add more Metal. But in fact, for the most part, because this season carries more of this element, there can be an overabundance of Metal. Metal relates to metallic colors (think gold, silver) and the colors white and grey, as well as to joy and the mouth, and governs order and beauty. It's associated with efficiency and organization, circular shapes and a general turning inward. So what does an overabundance of Metal mean? Metal out of balance can be rigid and inflexible, stuck on having everything perfect. Since Metal is related to the mouth and speech, individuals with an excess of this element often speak without precision and boundaries. If this describes you in fall, you may have too much Metal!

Some ways to adjust a Metal imbalance: add Water, which drains Metal, or Wood, which dulls and softens the Metal element. For more Water, try enjoying walks along the water, bringing wavy patterns into your space or incorporating the sound of water into your home, like with music or a fountain. If you'd rather add Wood, add blue and green tones or plants to your space! Check out our My Favorite Things series for more insight on adding Water and Wood. 

Get Clarity with Metal 

Autumn is also the time for harvest, both in agriculture and metaphorically in life. The planting season is ending, so maybe it's good to look at this in terms of your life and space. What no longer serves you in your home? It could be as literal as summer clothes you haven't worn in three years or letting go of old food in the fridge and composting it. Think about things or people in your life that are no longer serving you, as well. Metal element can also be like a sharp sword, cutting through what's unnecessary. It's time to harvest what's come to fruition, look at why some things didn't grow and think about planning for the next year. 

Take some time as we transition to fall and consider how your "harvest" has turned out. And what do kind of energies do we want invite the next time around?

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at:

5 Ways to Embrace the Summer Solstice

Photo by Dakota Roos on Unsplash

It's officially summer! As of yesterday, the 2022 summer solstice, we've moved from spring to summer and are welcoming the fire season after a cold winter! The earth will travel its closest to the sun today, bringing longer days, warmer weather and the official beginning of a new season in the northern hemisphere. We're always fans of the summer season, and in feng shui terms, it's a great time to refresh your space and prepare for the coming fire element. Here are our favorite ways to switch to summer in a holistic space!

Clear Your Space

I recommend space clearings on a regular basis to my feng shui clients. They are great ways to refresh the energy in your home, send stagnant energy on its way and welcome positive qi to your space. There are any number of ways to clear the space, but I prefer the BTB feng shui orange peels method or our Holistic Spaces white sage mist during the summer months! The Space white sage spray is finally back in stock, and it's also perfect to travel with during the summer. You don't always want to burn sage when you're staying away from home, so the mist is a brilliant way to clear the space of that guest room without setting off any alarms!

Clean Out Your Closet

We all know the value of closet space, and though it might be necessary to leave out a few warmer pieces for the spring season, summer is hot and vibrant, and it's the ideal time to pack away those winter clothes and make space for light, comfortable summer clothes. You may even find there are clothes you haven't worn that you can get rid of! Each piece of clothing that leaves your space leaves room for a new, quality piece you love. Check out some of our past posts about cleaning out the closet!

Stock Up on Fruits and Veggies

Just as we change our eating habits at the beginning of fall, winter and spring, the summer season brings with it a new list of optimal foods, most notably raw fruits and veggies. With the rise of the heat, fruits and veggies offer a healthy, nutritious way to cool the body, and many (think lettuce, watermelon) even contain a high amount of water to help combat the fire season! My favorite thing is to make watermelon juice. Be sure to juice the rind, too! Watermelon rind contains a wealth of nutrients not found in other fruits and can even help improve blood circulation! 

Swap Out Design Accessories

If you changed up your holistic space to get cozy during the cooler months, it's time to switch back to breezy, cooling accessories for your space. Replace darker colors with light blues, greens and pastels; swap heavy drapes for thin curtains; opt for airy, organic linens and maybe even throw in a few summer-themed pillows! Check out this My Favorite Things post for some of our favorite summer design accessories.

Add the Water Element

June is the peak of the fire season, and the best way to balance out excess fire is to add water. You can do this by adding actual water, kidney shaped items, dark blues and blacks and representations of water. Check out some of my favorite ways to add water to a space!

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: