love note from Anjie - nov 12, 2022


I was on retreat in France for two weeks just a couple months ago and collected some Juniper from Dechen Choling. It's been quietly drying in the sun near my office window, next to my desk shrine.

Juniper is an evergreen conifer, wood element, and a reminder that even in the coldest and darkest times – there is life. We have the opportunity to create transformation, inspiration, and warmth as the wood feeds fire. The green is everlasting, a constant, and points to the presence of spring, new beginnings and growth.

When we offer a smoke blessing, the botanical is burned and transmuted. The fire and wood creates smoke that rises, lifting our offerings to the heavens. The ashes are earth element, re-connecting our wishes back down to our presence in the earth realm.


from instagram

smoke offering with juniper

wood | fire | earth

what do you want to let go and offer gratitude for?

what wishes and blessings can you offer today?

Next week, I'll offer instruction on how to perform a smoke blessing ceremony for your home!

Save the Date

I'll be teaching in Los Angeles on Sun Dec 11th at RA MA Institute. I hope that I can see some of you there IRL!

Special Offer Coming from Mindful Design

there's a special offer coming soon from Mindful Design. I'll share a bit about it here, but if you join the Mindful Design mailing list you will be better notified of all the things we offer there, including special events!

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Thanks for reading!

xoxo, Anjie

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What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

Bundle of colored pencils in many colors

Photo by Salvatore Ventura on Pexels

Chances are, there are certain colors that you love, and others that you can’t stand. Did you know that the colors that you’re drawn to can give you clues about what kind of energy you might be craving more of? In feng shui, color is not only a way to change how your home looks, but also a tool to help shift the energy of a space

There are several different ways to approach color and feng shui. One of these ways is to look at the five elements, also known as the five phases. Each of the five elements is a different type of energy that occurs in nature, and there are different colors associated with each of these elements.

Think about what color you’re most attracted to right now. If I asked you what your favorite color is, what pops into your head? Trust what comes up for you, and read on to learn what your color preferences might be saying about you. 

Red or bright orange

If you picked a fiery color such as red or a bright, vibrant orange, you may need a little more warmth and inspiration in your life. To bring more of these fire element qualities into your home, painting your walls red is certainly an option, but usually that’s a little too much fire for most people. Fire in small doses does a lot and it can be very impactful. You can also introduce red in smaller ways through artwork, throw pillows, or fresh flowers, or you can even explore this energy by wearing red clothes or jewelry

Brown, yellow, rusty orange, or earth tones

If you love yellow or neutral, earthy tones, you might need a little more nourishment, self care, or grounding. These colors are all expressions of the earth element. To connect to the energy of the earth, you can spend time laying on the ground, going for walks, working with ceramics, or doing any other activity that makes you feel really grounded. You can also bring these earth element colors into your home. I love fancy jasper or even a textured rug with earth tones to really embody the earth element qualities of support and stability. 

White, light gray, or metallics

If you prefer these colors, you may be wanting more precision, clarity, joy, or elegance in your life. These are all metal element qualities. You can connect to metal energy by being careful and precise in what you say and speaking more clearly. The metal element can also be a reminder to connect to your inner child, so think about ways that you can bring a little more joy and play into your life. You can also incorporate more whites and metallics into your decor, like a white vase or brass fixtures. 

Black, dark midnight blue, or charcoal gray

If you’re drawn to these water element colors, it could be a good time to look at things that are hidden, including your shadow side and any areas of your life that you have some fear of exploring. Water energy is also about diving deeper and cultivating wisdom. This doesn’t mean collecting information on the internet; instead, it’s about taking the time to connect with your ancestors, teachers, and lineage. All of us are connected by oceans, the great waters of the earth, and water encourages you to connect with all of the people who have walked this path before you. You can also bring more water energy into your home by adding these colors into your decor. 

Green, teal, or blue

You may be attracted to growth, healing, and flexibility if you love these wood element colors. Imagine a blade of grass or the leaves of a tree having the flexibility to bend with the wind. The wood element also teaches us to have kindness and compassion for yourself and others, and to cultivate growth. You can connect to wood energy by incorporating these colors into your space, or adding a new green plant somewhere in your home. 

I hope this gives you some insight into why you might be drawn to certain colors, and some inspiration for working with the energy of those colors! 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at:

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Feng Shui for a Small Home

Photo by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how to use feng shui in your small space? Even if you live in a tiny studio apartment, there are still ways that you can apply feng shui principles. 

If you do live in a small home, I invite you to consider the metaphor of a plant. I used to live in a really small home, and I got a plant at the time that only had two very small leaves. Now, that plant has grown into a much bigger plant, and I’ve also taken many cuttings from it that have rooted and become bigger plants as well. 

In feng shui, plants represent the wood element, which is about growth and generosity. Instead of thinking about how small your space is and coming from a place of lack, think about what you can cultivate in the space you do have. In life we have the opportunity to grow and cultivate and receive the gifts that the universe has for us. Then, you can also create many gifts to share with other people. 

One way you can apply this concept in a small space is to actually find a tiny plant and bring it into your home. Learn how to take care of this tiny plant, and watch it grow. Once it gets bigger you can be generous, and create cuttings to give to other people. 

You can also find a friend who you believe really exemplifies generosity, prosperity, abundance, and authentic kindness, and tell them that you admire and appreciate these qualities in them. If they have houseplants or a garden, you can also ask if they would be willing to give you a cutting of a plant. This cutting that you receive from your friend can be the tiny plant that you learn to cultivate in your home, and then share generously. In feng shui, we talk about the concept of qi, which is life force energy. When you receive a cutting from someone who genuinely embodies the qualities that you aspire to, that energy will also be in the cutting, and you can start to cultivate those qualities in your own life. 

Make sure you start with a plant that you have the ability to accommodate in the space that you have. This goes for everyone, even if your space isn’t small. It’s important to do your research and make sure that the plants you bring into your space will be able to thrive in your home’s conditions. Then, take the time to learn how to take care of this other living thing, and see how you can start to cultivate your generosity, your qi, and the qualities that you admire in your friend, in your own way. 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at:

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