Benefits of Rose Quartz

As all crystals do, the rose quartz carries its very own energy characteristics, making it effective in specific areas of life. This particular quartz is most appreciated for its purposes in aiding attraction, restoring inner peace and assisting in beautification. As can be expected from a soft pink crystal like rose quartz, the most common benefit of this substance is attracting romantic love and strengthening existing love, even among platonic relationships. Placing rose quartz in the relationship area of the feng shui bagua is the most effective way to release this energy, and it can also unleash the aphrodisiac capabilities of the quartz.

In addition to romantic love and external relationships, rose quartz is beneficial in the realm of repairing emotional damage or propensity against self-love. Rose quartz is said to dissolve emotional wounds, fears and resentments and create an overall feeling of love, personal fulfillment and contentment.  Rose quartz can also promote bonding between mothers and newborn children, increase appreciation for beauty of all types, prevent nightmares and fear of the dark, protect against gossip and can even possibly be used as a cure for colic or feeding difficulties in infants.

If attracting a romantic partner is what you're looking for, activate the Relationship area of your bedroom. The bedroom represents you and also your future partner. One powerful adjustment is to place two pieces of rose quartz in the Relationship area of your bedroom.

Rose quartz heals the heart chakra, which encourages emotional healing. This pair of stones, available in the Holistic Spaces store, can also promote trust and harmony within existing relationships.

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at:

Q&A Sunday: Rose Quartz

Hi Anjie, recently I purchased two rose quartz stones as I want to work on meeting a nice man, but also to meet new friends! I put the stones just outside the left corner of my bed. Is this a good location to put the stones since I do not have a "bedroom"? I live in a studio. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Jennifer, Chicago, IL

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your question! I hope you like the rose quartz pairs that you purchased from the website. They will be helpful in attracting a new partner. Since you live in a studio, it seems like a good idea to locate them  by laying the bagua on your bed. You place the grid so that the relationship area is on upper right corner near the head of the bed. In other words, if you’re laying in bed on your back, the relationship area is the corner of the bed near your left shoulder, so the night stand on the right side of your bed would be the perfect place to activate relationships.

As far as meeting new friends, rose quartz might not be the best thing for that. You can activate the water element in your home to create new connections with friends. You can wear more black, add wavy patterns or shapes, or add a fountain. Also, for your qi - say yes and make more connections with people!

I hope that helps! Send along a photo of your rose quartz, we’d love to share it!

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday". We will be answering questions submitted by our readers.  Click here to submit any Feng Shui questions!

Q&A Sunday: Rose Quartz for Love

"Hi Anjie, when you suggest adding a pair of rose quartz crystals to your bedroom to promote trust and harmony with your future or current relationship, does it have to be a pair or will one do the trick?"

- Jill H., Brooklyn, NY

Thanks for your question, Jill! 

As a rule of thumb, my teachers answer most things with “it depends!” This is true for this question.

In general, I recommend a pair of rose quartz for love and harmony, to attract a partner or to support an existing relationship. But it really does depend. Without tailoring the question specifically for one person, it’s difficult to address most issues in a general blog post. However, most of the time the general answer is OK.

Generally, a pair would be most helpful for a current or future relationship. But, there are times when one would also be appropriate. For instance, someone who’s always in a relationship and never single may benefit from one, rather than a pair, since he or she may be co-dependent and have a hard time being alone. Another situation where a single stone may be more appropriate is when someone is experiencing a separation and needs to do some soul searching to see if they’re better alone or back with their partner.

Also, if one is all you have, there may be a reason for that. But if you are perhaps too lazy to get another piece, that says something too! I think your question is a great one because it’s not an easy one to answer and requires you to really examine your situation.

The fact that you're seeking to add rose quartz to your space at all is a very promising sign, whether for your love life or your relationship with yourself. Before you pick up a pair, spend a little time thinking about exactly why you're looking to make this adjustment in your space. Once you've got the intention pinned down, any addition you make will be that much more powerful. 

by Anjie Cho

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our a unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish. Visit us at

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!