Understanding Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Photo and design by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC

First things first, indoor air quality (IAQ) is precisely what it sounds like: the measure of the quality of air inside a building or other structure meant for occupation. It is widely known that our planet suffers from a significant amount of pollution, but this pollution isn't limited to the air we breathe outside our homes. In fact, studies show that the air we breathe inside our homes and other buildings, where we spend most of our time, can be anywhere from two to five times as toxic as outdoor air due to a variety of chemicals included in paint, cleaning agents, etc. 

From a feng shui perspective, indoor air quality affects the energy flow in your home. You want the most positive and supportive qi around you to support your health and livelihood.

Since, as I mentioned, humans spend the majority of our time inside, it is extremely important that we improve the condition of our IAQ. Poor IAQ can lead to many negative side effects including nose bleeds, asthma, upper respiratory irritation and much more. In addition to physical ailments, polluted IAQ can be very costly, whether in company terms, where it can cost in the form of employee compensation and negative publicity, or on a more personal level, which can lead to increased medical bills and purchasing of excessive products to eliminate symptoms. 

Fortunately, as with most environmentally unfriendly issues, there are ways to reduce the level of harmful substances in your indoor air and increase the quality of the air your family breathes. 

One of the easiest ways to increase your IAQ is by monitoring the chemicals that are used, and subsequently released into the air, in your home. Rather than using commercial, toxic cleaning supplies, try switching to non-toxic, DIY cleaning agents, as they provide a much cleaner, safer air quality for your home's inhabitants. Oh, and they're easier on the wallet. 

Another easy way to control the quality of your home's air is by ensuring that atmospheric conditions are optimal for human living, not life of micro-organisms. Keep humidity in the home between 30% and 50% by taking steps like venting your dryer outside your home, using a humidifier or air conditioner in the home and taking care not to overwater houseplants

Taking time to ensure your home is properly cleaned and free of dust particles and other tiny organisms will also help with controlling the amount of allergens in your family's indoor air. Mop often with just water or non-toxic soap to ensure that dust doesn't settle on hard floors, and vacuum on softer floors. Clear your indoor space by opening windows and letting in fresh air, and instead of harmful chemical air fresheners, try the naturally refreshing scent of lemon or other citrus peels (like orange, feng shui's favorite!). 

IAQ is becoming increasingly important as we face growing danger due to pollutants in our atmosphere. Bettering and maintaining a high quality for your family's home is as easy as changing a few patterns and trying new things. You have nothing to lose, except for allergens and ailments!

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

Benefits of Low and Zero VOC Paint

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compound) are chemicals added to paint for a variety of reasons including color enhancement, increased adhesiveness and increased ease of spreading. Despite these conveniences, VOCs are extremely dangerous to humans, and the use of them in many paints results in indoor air being anywhere from 3-5 times more polluted and harmful than outdoor air.

What can you do to prevent this? Buy low- and zero-VOC paints, which are now available from almost every brand. Though the main, and obvious perk to using low-VOC paint is reducing the toxicity of your breathing air, benefits do go a bit deeper.

Lower Toxicity

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), VOCs are some of the environment's arch enemies and a huge risk to humans as well. One of the easiest ways to reduce this risk, both for our environment and our bodies, is to use paints with lower or no VOCs.

VOCs are even more toxic to those with high vulnerability to smells and chemicals as well as allergies. Using lower VOC paints reduces the uncomfortable side effects for this group of people as well.

High exposure to paints with excessive VOCs can result in a wide variety of complaints, from watery eyes to respiratory infections, and in some cases, even cancer. Using paints with a lower level of VOCs can directly reduce these health risks.

No Smell!

Low VOC, No VOC paint contains zero or a minimum amount of compounds, which basically makes the paint almost unscented when wet, and leaves it with no smell at all as soon as it is dried.

Better for the Environment

The toxins emitted from regular, high VOC paints end up in the atmosphere and ultimately the ozone, adding to an already colossal problem of greenhouse gases. Using paint with reduced VOCs significantly decreases the amount of toxins that are released into our ozone. In addition, these paints reduce toxicity in landfills and water, as excess, discarded paint is nowhere near as toxic.

Low or zero VOC paint is also very easy to clean and requires only soap and water, rather than heavy chemicals. One more point for low VOCs versus air-killing chemicals.

by Anjie Cho

What No One's Telling You About Paint and VOCs

We've shared plenty of information about paint, from how to choose the perfect color to why you'd want to look for paints with lower VOCs, but here's something not many homeowners are aware of: even paints labeled as "low-VOC" can cause significant damage to your health and the environment. Let's break it down. 

First of all, let's be clear. Opting for lower VOC count in paint is definitely healthier than just grabbing whatever color you like without checking the label. But as with many sustainable and eco-friendly options, lowering VOC levels in paint doesn't necessarily make it completely healthy. Though they do contain fewer volatile organic compounds, paints labeled as low- or zero-VOC do contain VOCs. What's more, the number used to classify these paints as healthier is measured before the addition of pigments and certain additives, which can contain additional VOCs. And some of the dangerous chemicals added to paints aren't considered to be VOCs, so they're not taken into account when determining the safety of the paint. 

Even when the paint you've chosen has the lowest possible levels of VOCs, those compounds will still off-gas into your internal environment. Though this small amount of toxicity may not show up immediately, this is another situation similar to that metaphor we use when talking about the commanding position and clutter. Even if you don't notice, like a stone that has water dripping on it for years, it will eventually begin to affect you in a negative way.  

And, as Joel Hirshberg notes in his article, The Truth About Paintreducing the level of VOCs in paint only does so much for the environment. It is not the most ideal solution. He mentions that when we reduce the use of VOCs, we only slow down the process of contaminating our environment, since our atmosphere can only completely absorb waste if it is healthy and biodegradable. As many of these chemicals are not, even in small amounts, they ultimately return to the atmosphere where they remain forever. 

With this information in mind, most experts agree that seeking out the healthiest possible paint option is worth the effort and cost. In most cases, this option consists of natural paints and finishes. These paints are composed only of natural ingredients, like water, plant oils and natural minerals. In these paints, manufacturers use 100% natural materials for each of the primary components, which would usually be chemicals. For instance, The Real Milk Paint, a popular option, contains casein, hydrated lime and plant-derived fillers, all of which are natural and non-toxic.

There are a number of companies who produce natural paint for healthier environments. This list from eartheasy is a great start, but as always, do your own research before choosing the best paint for your needs. In fact, if you're handy enough, you can even make your own natural paint! What better way to KNOW your indoor air quality is safe?

by Anjie Cho