Create a Meditation Space with Feng Shui

Feng shui is a philosophy developed in ancient China that outlines positive ways in which to organize yourself in your environment. Meditation is a practice in which you can learn to become familiar with your inner landscape. Both feng shui and meditation are used to generate harmony and peace within your life.

Why not use feng shui to create a sacred space in which to meditate that can support and improve your meditation practice?

Define a Space

Select a dedicated space that you can routinely go back to for your meditation practice. It can be the corner of your bed, a room in your home, or a place outside in your backyard. My meditation space is a quiet section of my living room that faces a river view. Since it's not in the commanding position, I've set up a mirror so I can see behind me to put me in a relaxing and calm mental space. It is okay if you cannot find a perfectly quiet spot. Life is full of distraction, and part of meditation is to learn to accept the interruptions.

You can further differentiate your space by sitting on a special pillow, cushion or blanket to define your place. I have a couple of buckwheat zafu cushions specifically designed for meditation. This can help you to dedicate and define your special “spot.”

Dedicate and Clear the Space

After you have selected your meditation space and defined it physically, it is of utter importance to clear and dedicate the area energetically. Space clearing dedicates the invisible energy of space so you can start fresh and set your intention for the space, the particular moment and for your life.

In feng shui, oranges and orange peels represent vibrant, life-affirming energy. Orange essence is refreshing, happy and contributes positive, fresh, and brightening energy to our inner and outer environments. You can use 9 drops of orange essential oil in an aromatherapy diffuser to transform your area into a space with vibrant, life-giving, positive energy. Remember, when you clear the space of the existing energy, be sure to replace it with positive intention.

Add a Crystal for Clarity

Feng shui crystals are used to adjust the flow of energy in a space. They are particularly effective for bringing light, brilliance and clarity to your meditation practice. Feng shui crystal balls are made of faceted, leaded glass. For this application, purchase a crystal that is a minimum of 40mm and place in the center of your meditation space, above your head where you’re sitting or just in front of you so you can see it. The ball should be hung with a red string in a length that is a multiple of 9, for example 18”, 27”, 36”, etc. You can find crystals and red strings at the Holistic Spaces store here.

Use these three simple feng shui tips to create your own sacred meditation place to create harmony and peace in your inner and outer spaces.

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at:

Attract Love with Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Asian art of placement that gives us guidelines for arranging our outer environments to reflect what we want to manifest in our lives. Many people are particularly interested in how they can use feng shui to attract some love. Here are three feng shui tips that you can carry out in your bedroom to let the universe know you are ready to meet that special someone. In fact, you can also use these tips to create more stability and harmony in any current relationship.

The Bed

If attracting a romantic partner is what you’re looking for, the first place to make feng shui adjustments is in the bedroom. In feng shui philosophy, the bedroom and bed represent you and also your future partner. First, be sure that you have at least a full size bed. A single bed tells the universe that there is no room for anyone else for you to share your life with.

Second is the bed location. You want the head or headboard of the bed pushed up securely up to the wall. Then, if possible make sure that there is room on both the left and right sides of the bed. In other words, it is ideal to set up the bed so that there is clear and balanced open space on both sides. If one person is more crammed in, it may represent an unbalanced dynamic in the relationship. One partner may feel more locked in or controlled. If the left or right side of your bed is pushed against a wall, this send the universe the message that the balance of energy between you and your future partner is not equal.

A Pair of Nightstands

Now that you have your bed situated so that there is equal space on left and right sides, make sure to have a nightstand on each side of the bed. The nightstands do not necessarily have to match or be exactly the same, but it is best if they are similar in size. It is even better if you can have similarly paired lamps for each nightstand. Pairs symbolize you and your future partner. When there is only one nightstand, you are expressing to the universe that you don’t really want to have a partner that you treat as an equal.

A Pair of Rose Quartz Stones

My final suggestion to further reinforce your desire to attract a partner is to activate the Relationship corner of your bedroom with a pair of rose quartz stones. If you stand in the doorway of your bedroom, facing into the room, the far back right corner is the Relationship area.

For this adjustment, place a pair of rose quartz stones in this area with the intention that one represents you and the other your future partner. Rose quartz heals the heart chakra, which encourages emotional healing. The pair of rose quartz pieces promotes trust and harmony with your future relationship.

I encourage each of you to implement these three simple feng shui tips to attract the love that you deserve in your life.

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program. Laura Morris and I launched our program in September 2018. To get on the list about it, sign up at:

Dive deeper into feng shui to transform your life!

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Create sacred spaces that support, and nourish.

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Q&A Sunday: Schools of Feng Shui

There are so many schools of feng shui, I'm honestly a little confused. I just recently just found out that when sleeping, it is the crown of our head that faces our favourable direction. My mother had a seasoned practitioner come over a long time ago (almost 15 years ago, I think) and he told us the complete opposite! So technically we've been facing the wrong direction for almost 15 years! 

Samantha C., Malaysia

Thanks Samantha for this follow up comment. I believe that this is a great topic for Q&A Sunday!

Yes, there are dozens of feng shui schools out there, and not only is it confusing, they may contradict each other! The compass school looks at directions, the form school looks at shapes, plus there’s flying stars and many more. I practice BTB feng shui.

In BTB feng shui, we recognize all other schools of feng shui as correct and valid. One major difference with BTB is that we look at the direction of qi into a space, so the bagua is located based on the flow of energy. We also utilize many “invisible” cures in addition to mundane enhancements such as adding a crystal or moving furniture. The invisible cures are sometimes found in BTB books, but most often only shared by practitioners. Invisible cures may be rituals, meditations, etc. – which are effective ways to further boost your physical adjustments with powerful intention. An example would be “One good deed a day.” Personally, I share the “transcendental” adjustments one-on-one only.

In regards to your sleeping direction, I would encourage you to consider, rather than feeling that you have been facing the “wrong” direction, we can shift that viewpoint. Maybe this change of direction in bed symbolizes a shift in your life. Perhaps you are embracing another way of positioning yourself in the world and you’re excited to see the qi that’s opening up in your life.

It's interesting, because I’ve been reading a little into Vastu (Vedic feng shui), and they also use the commanding position for the bed. Yes, the different feng shui schools may contradict each other and be very confusing. In feng shui implementation, I suggest you use an advanced practitioner or do your best to follow one school.

by Anjie Cho

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our a unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish. Visit us at

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