Is The Stuff Under Your Bed Ruining Your High-Vibe Bedroom?

featured on MindBodyGreen by Emma Loewe

image credit: Yasmine Boheas / Unsplash via MindBodyGreen

image credit: Yasmine Boheas / Unsplash via MindBodyGreen

Feng shui is all about designing for optimal energy flow at home. It cautions against sharp corners, heavy objects, and clutter of all kinds. The ancient philosophy was born in China nearly 6,000 years ago, and it arose from the idea that the quality of our surroundings can dictate the quality of our lives.

It's safe to say, though, that the creators of the practice never set foot in a cramped New York City apartment. Some feng shui guidelines feel much more applicable to sprawling spaces, and there's one in particular that feels like an affront to small home dwellers everywhere: the "no storage under the bed" rule.

Why shouldn't you store stuff under your bed?

According to feng shui, the stuff under your bed could be sabotaging your sleep. "In feng shui, it's best to have the air flow all around you while you're sleeping, so it's a big no-no to have objects under the bed," feng shui expert and architect Anjie Cho recently wrote for mindbodygreen. Cho explains that it's especially important to have free-flowing good energy—or chi—surrounding you when you're in a passive sleep state. When physical clutter gets in the way, it can lead to similarly cluttered thoughts and restless nights.

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If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program. Laura Morris and I launched our program in September 2018. To get on the list about it, sign up at:

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Q&A Sunday: Making Space for a Baby, But What About Storage?

In your post about pregnancy and feng shui, you mention making space as much as possible, but her closet is storage for our home too. Thoughts on how to handle?

Laurie E., Los Angeles, CA

Hi Laurie,

Thanks for reading our Q&A about pregnancy.

I actually do not suggest making as much space as possible in this post, nor would I necessarily recommend that. But maybe you read this post, where I suggest creating a space for a baby to come into your home. You don’t want it to be so full that there’s no room for the new little person.

However, it sounds like your situation is a little different. You do have a room for your baby, but you happen to have a storage closet in that room. Functionality is very important too when it comes to feng shui, as with most things in life. If that’s the storage closet and you have no other space for it, that’s totally okay. What you can do is make sure the closet is organized and what you do have stored there is necessary and in good condition. You can also use functional furniture that serves as storage as well!

I would also consider what sorts of things you have stored in the baby’s closet. Obviously things like knives and guns are not appropriate. If possible, store baby-related and soft things like pillows and linens. Do the best that you can and move things around if necessary. Just try to store objects with good energy around your new baby.

It would be wonderful if we could have completely separate spaces for each person in a home, but realistically that doesn't always happen. In this case, it seems you've definitely taken the time and intention to make some space for your new family member, so as long as you maintain a good, positive energy in her room, your feng shui should be fine. :)

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!

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Q&A Sunday: Storing Legal Paperwork for Children

Hi, I was wondering where to store child court order paperwork. I currently have full sole legal and physically custody, and the father is still trying to change that. It would be dangerous for him to have any custody over her. Please help me keep this current order in place. 



Thank you for your thoughtful question. I’m sorry to hear you have a difficult custody situation with your child. I do not know your specific situation and without more information cannot offer more advice in regards to helping you keep the order in place as you desire. 

However, similar to the question of how to store divorce paperwork, my first thought would be that you locate any legal paperwork in regards to the finalized court decision for your child in the Completion area of the feng shui bagua map of your home to encourage the situation to remain resolved in the best interest of the child. The Completion area is also the Children area of the feng shui bagua map, so this may keep your child’s best interests at the forefront. You must do this with the interests of the child’s safety and future first in mind. 

Please let us know if you want to share any more info! It’s a very delicate subject, and it would be prudent to wait for more information. 

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!