14 Easy Tips That Will Help You Be Happier In Your Home

featured this month on BuzzFeed, by Mackenzie Kruvant

What is feng shui and why is it important?

Feng shui looks at how energy (also called chi) moves through your home. If there is an area where the chi is moving too quickly or is stuck then that can represent either an area where you’re stuck in your life or things that you need to improve on.

There are two ways to look at your apartment. You can think, "This is just my apartment" — or you can look at it as an ecosystem, an environment that affects you. If you choose to look at it the second way, then feng shui can help you achieve good energy and a space that will get you over your energy funk — and it’s easier than you’d think. We asked feng shui expert Anjie Cho to show us how.

1. Make sure your entranceway reflects who you are — it’s how energy comes into your home.

“Your door represents how opportunities come to you. It’s where energy comes into your home,” Cho tells BuzzFeed Life. “That’s why it’s so important that it reflects you.” It’s also important that you have a clear number or name written somewhere. “If you don’t have anything on your door it may stop people from being able to find you,” Cho says. If possible, try not to crowd the door. “Make your entry look nice, because it’s your face to the world. Have a clean and positive doormat for clean and positive energy.”

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by Anjie Cho

Get a happy home with Feng shui

featured last week on Examiner.com

Feng shui is not just about moving furniture around; it’s really a philosophy that looks at how to design a healthy and positive environment that supports and nurtures you. According to Anjie Cho “Today, I will share with you three simple ways to use feng shui to create a healthy, happy and holistic home."

Add Houseplants

When we talk about creating a holistic home, an important factor to consider is the indoor air quality. Houseplants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and remove harmful chemicals from the air. They also add natural beauty to your home, bringing some nature inside. From the feng shui perspective, green houseplants add the wood element. The wood element brings life, joy, and flexibility into the home. Plants create a softer and more vibrant energy in a home and are healing visually and physically.

Reduce EMFs

In this modern world, we are inundated by dangerous electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation emitted by electronic devices such as Wi-Fi, mobile phones, computers and even the electrical wiring found in your home. EMFs produce stress on the body and cause health problems such as fatigue, headaches, and even nausea.

Orange Essential Oil

Unfortunately, many conventional cleaning products are made up of toxic chemicals. Not only do we breathe in the toxins, the chemicals get absorbed directly into our bloodstream through our skin. One of the easiest ways to make your home more sustainable and healthy is to switch to non-toxic cleaners.

Here is a recipe to make your own feng shui, non-toxic, all purpose cleaner:
You need white vinegar, water and your orange essential oil. In feng shui, oranges and orange peels represent vibrant life, affirming happy energy. On a practical level orange oil disinfects, enhances your mood, and it just smells so good and clean. To make the non- toxic all-purpose cleaner, take one part vinegar to three parts water and add 18 drops of orange essential oil in an empty spray bottle. Then shake it up! This all-purpose solution is great for wiping down counters, windows, glass, bathroom surfaces, floors, etc. As a feng shui plus, the orange scent carries with it vibrant life energy to clear space, and in turn rejuvenates you and your home.

There you have it, a happy home in just 3 easy steps! 

by Anjie Cho