How To Go GREEN Like a New Yorker

featured April 20 on

In honor of Earth day on April 22nd, we challenge you to GO GREEN like a real New Yorker! Unsure how to do that? Check out the options below!

1. Adopt a Street Tree!

Did you know that you could adopt a street tree in NYC? Our street trees provide shade in the summer, beautify our city and improve the air quality all year round. But they need care. Million Trees NYC offers workshops on how to care for trees. You can attend a tree-planting, request a street tree, or even pick up your own.

Find more info at:

2. Go Green with Your Delivery (and Take-Out)

I’ll be the first one to admit, I get a lot of meals delivered. We are all busy New Yorkers. An easy way to go green is to ask for no plastic cutlery. Eat your food in style with your silverware, and cut down on the plastics that are produced. Many delivery websites also have a “go green” option that you can select, making this green step even easier! full article

by Anjie Cho

How To Spring Clean Like A New Yorker

Featured this week on

by guestblogger Anjie Cho, who is a holistic interior architect and a sought-after expert in the fields of feng shui and green design. A New York state-registered architect and certified feng shui master, Anjie creates beautiful and nourishing spaces throughout New York City and beyond. Check out her BlogFacebookTwitter.

The spring equinox is March 20th and everyone will be out and about, bursting with happiness and liveliness. I imagine it will be even more so after this extraordinarily snowy winter, because we’ve been stuck inside even more than normal. The first day of spring marks an especially auspicious time to start spring cleaning. Below are spring cleaning tips to get that dormant winter energy moving!

1. Non-Toxic Cleaners

Let’s start with the basics. Spring clean your cleaning products! Take an honest look at your cleaning products. Unfortunately, many conventional cleaning products are made up of toxic chemicals. We barely have enough fresh air living in an urban area – why make it worse inside your home? It’s so easy to find or make non-toxic alternatives to most household cleaners. You can make your own all-purpose cleaner by mixing 1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. I love eucalyptus because it is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-microbial.

2. Clean The Entrance

Start spring cleaning at the entry of your home. Vacuum your welcome mat, toss all the clutter that has accumulated over the winter and sweep up the dusty corners. In feng shui, your entry represents the mouth of “chi”, where energy comes into your space. Therefore it is important to clean out this area and keep it clean and fresh so you can attract the best energy in your life.

3. Deep Clean the Refrigerator

Next, move into the kitchen and go through the entire refrigerator. Look for any expired food and put it aside to compost. Your refrigerator represents how you nourish yourself. Old and moldy food may indicate or even lead to health problems. There are many locations where you can drop off your food scraps for compost now in NYC. Click here to see where. Be sure to scrub the inside of the refrigerator including all the shelves, drawers and interior walls with a sponge and your new non-toxic cleaners! full article

by Anjie Cho

How To Feng Shui Your Home Like A New Yorker

Featured last month on

Even New Yorkers need some feng shui in their homes!  Feng shui can improve and provide relief from our fast-paced lifestyles, even in the tiniest of apartments.  Here are my simple tips so you can create a supportive and nurturing nest in the big city.

1.      The Buzzer

Let’s start with your door buzzer.  I’m talking about the buzzer downstairs at street level.  If you’re lucky to have one, make sure it’s working properly and your name is clearly labeled.  A doorman is a good substitution.  This represents how your opportunities will find you from the outside world.  If you have a broken buzzer, repair it. What if you don’t have a buzzer?  See if you can get one installed.  If that’s not possible, then unfortunately you’ll just have to work a little harder than everyone else to attract the best energy to you.

2.      Your Apartment Door

Now let’s look at the door to your actual apartment. This doorbell should also be in working order.  Other things to check:  apartment door number and doorknob.  Are they in clean, straight and in working order?  Take some time and clean the outside of your door.  A clean apartment door not only invites positive energy, it makes your homecoming more pleasant. full article

by Anjie Cho