Photo by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash
Today I wanted to talk about curating spaces for joy. I’ve been thinking about this because we recently renovated our home, and there are some special areas I created in our home that really bring me joy.
Joy is related to the Completion area of the feng shui bagua, also called Dui in Chinese. This area is also connected to children and the metal element. If you’re not familiar with the bagua, it’s a sort of map that can be laid over a home, room, or lot, with different areas corresponding to different areas of life.
In the Dui area of our recently renovated home, I have a beautiful shelf that I’m really excited about. I’m using the shelf to display my tea ceremony items, including the different seasonal items I’m using at the moment. For me, tea ceremony feels really joyful, so I’m looking forward to curating my shelf as the seasons change.
I encourage you to consider creating special areas of your home with things that bring you joy! What are the objects or practices that are joyful for you? How can you invite those things into your home?
If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: