Anjie Cho

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Q&A Sunday: The Best Feng Shui Colors

Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

What are the best feng shui colors to use?

This may not be the answer you’re hoping for, but my best answer is: it depends! There are a lot of factors to consider, and feng shui is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What colors are you drawn to? What types of energy are you wanting to call into your life? These things can affect which colors are best for you. 

Color is certainly a helpful tool when it comes to adjusting the energy of a space. It can be one of the simplest changes to implement, and since most humans rely heavily on visuals, it can have a big impact. Color affects our moods and emotions, and how we heal. 

A lot of feng shui concepts, including color, are about connecting to nature. Color defines the seasons in nature. Think about how you see colors appearing outside in each season. In winter, we see a lot of white when it snows, and more dark colors because there is less daylight. It’s also more stark, since many trees no longer have leaves. 

In spring, things begin to sprout. We see more green, along with more vitality. Summer is bright, sunny, and full of vibrant colors as plants, fruits, and flowers become lush and abundant. 

Right now in the northern hemisphere, we’re moving out of the season of fall. During this season, we saw many earthy colors as leaves turned yellow and brown. 

In addition to the larger cycle of the seasons, the colors in our environment change along with the time of day. At dawn, colors are more muted. At noon, when sunlight is more intense, they’re more vibrant, and as night approaches colors darken.

Another factor when it comes to color is that we have our own personal and cultural conditioning. A color can remind you of something from your past, and can stimulate nostalgia and memories. Different colors also have different meanings and associations in different cultures. Pay attention to your reactions to colors, and be sure to explore and honor your personal associations.

by Anjie Cho

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